Hello Audi & Ogilvy,
This is some of my Studio Work


I just want to mention the Gybow - for me this is the newest automotive lighting invention and technique from Germany. With it you can project spheres around the vehicle. They mostly show this technique to strip in a physical car in a new environment but it’s so much more. This is a great tool to create something new and unexpected in the studio as we have limitless control of the reflections and gradients. I limit is only our imagination.

I had a day testing this rig and I did this simple test where I wanted a minimalistic environment and project the perfect blue hour gradient. A time of day where we usually just have this light for a few minutes. I love the subtle color changes and smooth lines.

Check out the Gybow Instagram to see some examples what photographers are creating. :)


Most people don’t know that I started retouching before I picked up my first camera. As I started taking photos, comping shots became a natural thing. And doing all of my own retouching meant that I knew exactly what exposures I needed, making me a more efficient photographer.

On set I’ll do quick comps to make sure our ideas work out and that we get all the elements we need.

Today I outsource most of the commercial retouching. But being self-taught, I’m still involved from start to finish, including detail sketches and every round of feedback to the final image.

Thank you!

Please let me know if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas. I love to get in early in a project to have a bigger creative input.

- Oskar Bakke

Oskar Bakke

(323) 891-5521

beyond creative mgmt

Jamie Appelbaum
(310) 487-6414‬